Stonecrest’s Fourth Annual Screen On The Green and Entrepreneur Expo

Published on 17 September 2023 at 14:45

No rain, sleet, or snow could stop the City of Stonecrest from having their fourth annual Screen on the Green and Entrepreneur Expo that took place on September 16th at the Southeast Athletic Complex in Stonecrest, Ga. The event was presented by Stonecrest’s own, Mayor Jazzmin Cobble, the City Council, and the Parks and Recreation Department. In a radio interview with V-103, Mayor Cobble says that she "wants residents of Stonecrest to understand that their values are just as important as any other community's values." I believe  she's proving that to be true.


From my perspective, SOTG went off without a hitch, so hats off to Black Dot Cultural Center for organizing such a phenomenal event! The grassy field was lined up with tents on both sides of entrepreneurs explaining their products/services and getting you hyped about trying them out. As I frequent more events like these,  I begin to understand the importance of supporting small businesses.

The space was open enough where kids could roam and play freely, and they had a designated area for things like a gaming truck and a bounce house! Also, food trucks and food vendors were in attendance to keep the people fed and content! Cause I know Stonecrest ain’t want a bunch of hangry people walking around all evening, lol!


The lively entertainment from The DJ Team definitely kept me bouncing to the beat! I’d sit down on my towel for but only a minute until another banger started blasting from the speakers. They kept up the energy and the vibe along with the hostess with the mostest, Mrs. Rashan Ali!

Speaking of entertainment, the performance by special guest Chrisette Michele was absolutely amazing! Her aura radiated such beauty that drifted beyond her physical beauty. It was intimate, heartfelt, and so friggin relatable! Lawd have mercy! Whoo! Love me some Ms. Chrisette! The night ended with the showing of a fun, family movie. I was tired, so I didn't stay to watch lol. 

Thanks again to everyone that made Screen on the Green and Entrepreneur Expo possible! I look forward to seeing what else the City of Stonecrest has in store! 


Please visit my Instagram to check out video from the event :)

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Lequvia Ousley
a year ago

Great recap of the event! Love your blog.